Workshop 2007 JRE Java Support
Java Applets

ApproxTool is an applet useful to illustrate several kinds of function approximation techniques including interpolating polynomials, cubic splines, least squares polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials, Legendre polynomials, and Taylor polynomials Resources for in-class use can be found here.


Last updated


CalcTool is a suite of java applets typically used to teach Differential, Integral, and Multivariable calculus, although CalcTool 1 has some useful applets that illustrate important function properties. Go to the CalcTool page (click on link on the left of this page) for more info...


Go here for more information, downloads, and version history.

ComplexTool allows the user to define a complex-valued function, sketch on the domain, and see the resulting transformation on the range.


    Go here to download versions that can run locally on your computer.

FlowTool illustrates fluid flow on various regions with user supplied sources/sinks. This is very much a beta version.


Last updated 7/11/08

Integral Properties illustrates properties of a definite integral. This is accompanied by a series of quesitons designed to be used with this applet


Last updated Spring 2009

Legendre/Fourier is useful for illustrating concepts related to Legendre series and Fourier series.


No version history

Last updated

Linear Algebra Applet is useful for illustrating 2/3D concepts related to Linear Algebra and to visualize surfaces.



PolarTool graphs the slope field of up to a 6 dimensional system of differential equations.


Last updated 10/12/12

SlopeTool graphs the slope field of up to a 6 dimensional system of differential equations.


Last updated 4/2/08

SubTool is a special version of SlopeTool designed to be used with submarine project.


Version 2.1. Last updated 4/16/08

Complex Analysis Applets are a suite of java applets typically used to illustrate various concepts in, you guessed it, Complex Analysis. Various applets include ShearTool (useful for shears), PolyTool (useful for visualizing harmonic mappings to polygons), StarTool (useful for visualizing harmonic mappings to star-shaped polygons), FractTool (useful for visualizing Mandelbrot-like and Julia-like functions), Real NewtTool and Complex NewtTool (graphs of the fractals arising from Newton's method), MinSurfTool (graphs various kinds of parametric and minimal surfaces), SchwarzTool (graphs the Schwarzian of a complex-valued function), and BlaschkeTool (graphs Moebius transformations and Blaschke products)


Go here for more information, downloads, and version history.

Java Applets