Workshop 2007 JRE Java Support
Java Applets

Cubic PolyTool



Version 2.0

  1. Converted to application.

Version 1.0

  1. Version 1.0 designation.
  2. Added ctrl+click to place location of cursor in zoom panel.
  3. Changed name of applet to Cubic Polynomial Complex Newton Method.
  4. Added menu bar.

Version 0.6

  1. Plot of critical orbit started in wrong place. This has been fixed.

Version 0.5

  1. Fixed yet another bug with period calculation.
  2. Default picture in parameter plane was incorrect. This is now fixed.
  3. Changed label names to "Parameter plane color shades" and "Dynamic plane color shades."

Version 0.4

  1. Fixed problem with period calculation.
  2. Added option for changing # color shades for both dynamic and parameter planes.

Version 0.3

  1. Changed default values for several items.
  2. When using number shades>1, shading is now lighter.
  3. Critical orbit bug is now fixed.
  4. Restoring thumbnails now restores number of color shades.

Version 0.2

  1. Thumbnails now work.
  2. The proper roots are now displayed.
  3. Problem with border around thumbnails not properly graphed has been fixed.
  4. Default view of paramater plane is now [-2,2] x [-2,2].
  5. Fixed bug that occurred with repeated roots.
  6. Changed the shading scheme slightly.

Version 0.1

  1. Basic functionality, with lots of stuff not working properly.